SKU: 62a23c8bebeb Category: CAPSULES

Pregabalin and Methylcobalamin Capsules IP

1 in stock

Pregabalin and Methylcobalamin Capsules- This capsule is combination of two chemical compositions they both have anticonvulsants property and this property help in solving the problem treated to nerve pain. Nerve pain can be difficult to handle this pain normally occurs when you have some kind of nerve disease or spinal cord of nerve injury. Sometime there is disfunction of nervous systems which releases the certain neurons transmitters which is also known as chemical messenger and this create inflammation and causes pain in the body.

This medication is in the formation of capsule which is why it has oral route of administration, keep in mind do not chew or break the tablet while administrating it because if you do that you will suffer from the bitter taste of its API. This Medication is chemical based drug which is why you must only start this medication when you get proper prescription from your doctors. If you are suffering from chronic pain then this medication can be a trustable partner because this medication stops the excess release of neurotransmitter which provides you instant relief from the inflammation or pain caused of these chemical messengers.

Benefits of Using Pregabalin and Methylcobalamin Capsules

There is a therapeutic level for every medication which is decided by the right amount of drug’s concentration in the body. To gain right therapeutic effective from this medication you have to maintain right amount of drug concentration in the body and if you follow your doctor’s prescription surely you can do that. These are some of the benefits of Pregabalin and Methylcobalamin Capsules that you can gain from this medication when you administration this drug in your body.

  • Treats nerve pain caused due to the spinal cord injury
  • Helpful in case of Diabetes and postherpetic neuralgia
  • Provides relief form nerve Pain
  • Provides relief in case of migraine.
  • Improves memories and learning
  • Helps in improving nerve function
  • Very effective in treating fibromyalgia

Mechanisms of Pregabalin and Methylcobalamin Capsules

Before starting its mode of action this capsule goes through three different stages after its administration. In first stage this complex API of this medication is broken down into simpler form with the help of biocatalyst enzymes. After that this simpler API gets absorb on the stomach’s surface and in the last step with the help of bloodstream it distributed throughout the body. This medication is combination of two different chemical compositions that have different types of medication properties which helps in maintaining the nerve conditions and mechanisms of these chemical composition is performed by this medicine is mention below.

Pregabalin- This chemical composition acts as alpha 2 delta ligand which helps in reducing the nerve pain by modulating calcium channel activity of the nerve cells.

Methylcobalamin- This is the other composition from this medication that is actually a form of Vitamin B which helps in increase the myelin production in the body which helps in maintain the health conditions of nerve fibres and rejuvenates damaged nerve cells.

Side Effects of Pregabalin and Methylcobalamin Capsules

This medication is based on chemical composition which means it can create with other chemical in the body and it may cause some side effects. These are some of the side effects of this medication form which you may suffer during this drug’s medication.

  • Dizziness, drowsiness, headache, and anorexia
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhoea, headache
  • Hot sensation
  • Vision problems and diaphoresis

Direction for Using Pregabalin and Methylcobalamin Capsules

  1. Take whole capsule with water without chewing and breaking it.
  2. Avoid other medication while having this medication.
  3. Store this medication in a cool, dry, and dark place.
  4. If you are pregnant inform your doctors first before starting this medication.

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