Ferrous Ascorbate & Folic Acid Syrup | FEROKOS-XT

Ferrous Ascorbate & Folic Acid Syrup | FEROKOS-XT

SKU: 5248ee5a378d Category: Syrup & Pediatrics Range

Ferrous Ascorbate & Folic Acid Syrup

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Ferrous Ascorbate & Folic Acid Syrup – The syrup is a dietary supplement primarily used to treat deficiency of Iron and anemia. The syrup is a combination of two medicines which are known as a highly effective medicine to treat iron & folic acid deficiency. Anemia is a condition in which a body does not acquire enough red blood cells to carry the oxygen required by several body tissues. This usually happens in conditions such as unable to absorb food, a poor diet, and increased folate use in the body. Ferrous Ascorbate & Folic Acid Syrup is a highly effective medicine with huge recommendations.

How do Ferrous Ascorbate & Folic Acid work?

The syrup is an amalgamation of two nutritional supplements named: Ferrous Ascorbate and Folic Acid. Folic Acid is known as a form of vitamin B. It works on playing an important role in the formation of red blood cells. This further leads to carrying oxygen throughout the body. It also plays a vital role in pregnancies. Because Folic Acid has an essential part of developing the unborn baby’s spinal cord and brain. On the other hand, Ferrous Ascorbate actions are known as a catalyst in several biochemical reactions in the body. It also helps in the growth of the cells, proliferation, and utilization of oxygen. This leads to the improvement in the production of hemoglobin and red blood cells.


Uses of Ferrous Ascorbate & Folic Acid Syrup

1. This Syrup is a dietary supplement primarily used to treat deficiency of Iron and anemia.

2. Folic Acid in the solution plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells.

3. Ferrous Ascorbate in the syrup helps in the growth of the cells, proliferation, and utilization of oxygen.


Side Effects of Ferrous Ascorbate & Folic Acid Syrup – 200ml

Usage of the medication may also lead to some side effects. The side effects are rare to appear and gradually resolve after some time. However, do consult your doctor if they don’t go away or resist for long.

Some of the side effects of Ferrous Ascorbate & Folic Acid Syrup may include:

  • Upset stomach
  • Nausea
  • Dark colored stool
  • Vomiting


Precautions and Warnings for the Syrup

Some of the important points to remember before taking the Ferrous Ascorbate & Folic Acid Syrup are:

1. Inform your doctor if you are allergic to Ferrous Ascorbate, Folic Acid, or any other similar medicine.

2. Tell your doctor if you are consuming any other medications or supplements before using the syrup.

3. Inform your doctor if you ever had or have medical conditions of hypertension, diabetes, liver, or kidney diseases.

4. Inform the doctor if you have a deficiency of vitamin B12, stomach ulcer, ulcerative colitis, repeated blood transfusions, or any blood disorder.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. What is Ferrous Ascorbate & Folic Acid Syrup mainly used for?

The syrup medication is mainly used for treating the deficiency of iron and anemia. The cause of this medical condition is generally poor diet, poor absorption of food, and increased folate use in the body.

Q. What if I missed the dose of Ferrous Ascorbate & Folic Acid Syrup?

The skipped dose of the medicine won’t show any major effects on the body. However, try not to miss any doses of the syrup for the better effects of the medicine.

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